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   The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists

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  • 06-07-2020 00:18 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    Date - Live Zoom:  July 10-13 Saturday/Sunday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST

    In the world of accounting and valuation, much consternation exists among CPAs, Government Auditors, Finan- cial Analysts, and Credentialed Valuators regarding the determination of the fair value of financial instruments.

    Both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) have identified the fair value reporting of financial instruments as one of the top priorities needing improvements.

    Most prominent among the reasons given for the failures to accurately determine the values of these financial constructs is the complexity of these instruments, which are steadily increasing as a result of enhanced computing capabilities. And, this concern is not limited to the United States; the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) also expressed major concerns over the lack of quality derivative product valuations. To address this issue, the Center for International Business Valuation (, a research think tank, consulting, and training organization developed the four-day course Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments.

    Who needs to attend:

    * Accountants and Auditors

    * Chief Financial Officers, Comptrollers, Treasurers

    * Valuators, Appraisers, Financial and Equity Analysts, Real Estate Analysts

    * Bank Trust Officers, Credit Products Officers, Investment Analysts

    * Portfolio Managers, Asset Management Specialists, Mergers and Acquisitions Directors


    * Introduction to the valuation profession

    * The three valuation approaches

    * Fair value accounting and disclosure requirements

    * Fair value methodologies and techniques for valuing financial instruments (equities, debt, securitized instruments, and derivatives)

    * Python Programming Language using Financial libraries

    Class Materials Provided:

    * Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments Body of Knowledge Manual

    * Six-month online access to lecture slides and videos

    * Support for Python financial libraries and related templates

    Learning Objectives:

    * Apply accounting standards for fair value and under- stand the history behind the fair value movement

    * Ascertain the purposes behind the issuance and usage of complex derivative products

    * Employ current valuation techniques for these financial products

    * Utilize the programming language of Python, which is dominant in the valuation of financial constructs

    Continuing Education Units:

     This course provides 28 hours of continuing Professional Education units meeting the standards of the Florida State Board of Accountancy and other professional bodies.  Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Center for International Business Valuation upon successful completion of the course.


    Virtual Zoom and Online: $1,500*. A discounted group rate is available.

                                                 $1350 (IACVS Members)

    Online only: $1000* The cost includes six months of full access to the class materials.

                           $900 (IACVS Members) 

    Cost includes one-year IACVS membership and exam fees.

    The Center for International Business Valuation is currently processing its payments through a partner, Maryland Global University. Once your payment has cleared, the Center will grant you access to its Learning Management Portal. 

    Refund Policy

    For more information, please call 844-235-0220.

    $1500 - Live and Online (includes IACVS one year membership fee)

    $755 Online (includes IACVS one year membership fee)

    Registration and Payment:

    For more information, please visit or call 844-235-0220

  • 09-06-2020 01:28 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The IACVS Ethiopia Chapter will organize the first training event for the International Certified Valuation Specialist with Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments (ICVS-A) certification in Africa. The class combines both the basic and advanced sections of the ICVS certification. In order to qualify for the certification, students must attend the five-day training and pass part one (five hours long multiple-choice exam) and part two (submission of the case valuation). The first exam will be administered at the end of the training and the student will have one week after the class to send their completed valuation case to the Center. 

    Date: April 6 – 10, 2020 

    Schedule: Class will start with a minimum of 20 students 

    •April 6, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM – ICVS Basic

    •April 7 – 9, 2019, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ICVS- Advanced

    •April 10, 2020, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Exam Review

    •April 10, 2020, 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM – Exam Part I (Multiple Choice Questions)


    •Students will receive two books, one for the ICVS Basic and one for the ICVS-A

    •Students will get access to the online class materials two weeks in advance

    •Students will receive part II of the exam (case study) two weeks before the class starts.

    Cost: $ 995 

    •This cost includes your one-year IACVS membership ($250), Exam fee ($150), cost of the books, and live instruction


    •You can register through our local partnering office “Shady Grove Consulting PLC” or send inquiries to

  • 08-06-2020 01:33 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    In the world of accounting and valuation, much consternation exists among CPAs, Government Auditors, Finan- cial Analysts, and Credentialed Valuators regarding the determination of the fair value of financial instruments.

    Both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) have identified the fair value reporting of financial instruments as one of the top priorities needing improvements.

    Most prominent among the reasons given for the failures to accurately determine the values of these financial constructs is the complexity of these instruments, which are steadily increasing as a result of enhanced computing capabilities. And, this concern is not limited to the United States; the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) also expressed major concerns over the lack of quality derivative product valuations. To address this issue, the Center for International Business Valuation (, a research think tank, consulting, and training organization developed the four-day course Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments.

    Who needs to attend:

    • Accountants and Auditors
    • Chief Financial Officers, Comptrollers, Treasurers
    • Valuators, Appraisers, Financial and Equity Analysts, Real Estate Analysts


    • Introduction to the valuation profession
    • The three valuation approaches
    • Fair value accounting and disclosure requirements
    • Fair value methodologies and techniques for valuing financial instruments (equities, debt, securitized instruments, and derivatives)
    • Bank Trust Officers, Credit Products Officers, Investment Analysts
    • Portfolio Managers, Asset Management Specialists,
    • Mergers and Acquisitions Directors

    Date - Live Zoom : Over two weekends (6/13 - 6/14, 6/20 - 6/21)

    Online - Anytime -

    Learning Objectives:

    • Apply accounting standards for fair value and under- stand the history behind the fair value movement
    • Ascertain the purposes behind the issuance and usage of complex derivative products
    • Employ current valuation techniques for these financial products
    • Utilize the programming language of Python, which is dominant in the valuation of financial constructs

    Registration and Payment:

    Class Materials Provided:

    • Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments Body of Knowledge Manual
    • Six-month online access to lecture slides and videos
    • Support for Python financial libraries and related templates

    Continuing Education Units:

    • This course meets the standards of the Florida State Board of Accountancy and other professional bodies for 28 hours of continuing professional education units


    • $1500 - Live and Online (includes IACVS one year mem- bership fee)
    • $755 Online (includes IACVS one year membership fee)

  • 09-03-2020 08:28 | Deleted user


  • 10-02-2020 01:29 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    Applied for 10 CPD Hours from the Board of Valuers and 10 CPE hours from IACVS

    It's a great pleasure to announce that Business Valuers Association Malaysia (BVAM) will organise a Certified Business Valuation Course. BVAM is a charter member of The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS). The training course will be held in July, 2020 at the National Institute of Valuation (INSPEN), Kajang Selangor, Malaysia. The ICVS credentialed exam will be in July at INSPEN.

    The training program is directed to all valuers and real estate industry player who want to explore and enhance their competencies in Business Valuation profession. 

    Objective of this course:

    At the end of the programme, participants will be able to: 

    •    Acquire knowledge on Business Valuation and its components

    •    Gain exposure on valuation approaches and techniques

    •    Apply knowledge & skill on Business Valuation

    Send your enquiry to:

    •      Melanie at

    •     Thila Ganesan at

  • 30-12-2019 01:23 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    Mr. Robert Brackett (Secretary General of IACVS,)and Ms. Lisa Guo (IACVS Member Service Specialist) jointed the Art & Science of Business Valuation free professional training conference planned by the Center for International Business Valuation (CfIBV)and the Florida Institute of Finance College (FIFC), along with partnering institutions on December 6. 2019 at Addis Ababa University School of Business and Education auditorium.  Mr. Joel DiCicco and Ms. Heidi DiCicco were speaking via Zoom about the ICVS-A and FIFC. Mr. Dereje DiCicco was there presenting, along with FIFC's first MBV graduate.

    Participants from 30 banks and insurance companies and several consulting companies joined the conference. This one-day seminar covered the following topic:

    *  Valuation Profession and Ethics

    Corporate Financial Valuation and the Big Three Valuation Approaches

    Quantitative Finance and Data Analytics

    Valuation Economics

    Planning and Executing Valuation Projects

    Valuation of Intangibles

    Utilization of Multiples for Pricing Organizations

    Overview of Premiums and Discounts

    Participants have received the ‘Certificate of Completion’ for attending the one-day training conference. This would allow them to add six (6) hours of Professional Development Units (PDU) or Continuing Units (CU) toward the certification requirements. 

  • 19-12-2019 01:26 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The Center for International Business Valuation, in conjunction with the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists launched the International Certified Valuation Specialist with Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments credential in Orlando, Florida, December 15th-18th, 2019. Attendees of this first classroom training program participated in an in-depth analysis of the valuation of a variety of complex financial instruments, and discussed both best practices and common practices in use today. The training provided the attendees the opportunity to sit for the ICVS-A (ICVS with Advanced Studies in Financial Instruments) credentialing exam.

    The curriculum for the ICVS-A was developed and presented by Dr. Joel M. DiCicco, CPA, BCA, ICVS-A, a full-time member of the Executive Programs and Department of Accounting Faculty at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business with the assistance of Uliana Filatova, MSF, MBA, a PhD student at FAU. However, both the IACVS Chairman of the Board, Richard Claywell, and the Secretary General, Robert Brackett, contributed to the lively discourse present throughout the four days. 

    The class commenced with a bootcamp overview of the commonly used valuation techniques as a refresher before delving into the advanced studies program. The technical program began on December 16th with extensive instruction on the history of fair value, followed by an overview of the fair value accounting standards under both US GAAP and IFRS. The program then moved to a discussion of the valuation of equities and, in particular, the assumptions needed to derive a value. A brief explanation of the differences between value and price was also presented.

    Python computer language, considered by many to be the preferred program for financial instrument valuation, was introduced on the second technical day of the training. In addition to an overview of the massive Python libraries, attendees installed the program on their personal PCs and then programming fundamentals were explained and practiced. A highly granular discussion on debt and securitized instruments followed.  Attendees not only received a basic review of plain vanilla debt instrument valuation techniques but also learned the advanced concepts of duration, convexity, option spreads, and prepayment speeds. The class then proceeded to address contingent debt, convertible debt, and, of course, securitized instrument valuation approaches. 

    On the last day of the training, participants first learned the building blocks of derivatives, such as options, forwards, futures, and swaps. After this brief introduction, various types of complex derivative products were analyzed, including exotic options, structured products, and hybrids.  An online version of the complete training program will be available through the Center for International Business Valuation website ( in February 2020.

    Our goal is to create a strong valuation professional community supported by the IACVS headquartered in Addis Abab. If you're interested in this course, please send e-mail to us at or 

  • 17-12-2019 01:21 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    IACVS Korea Charter hosted a seminar at KVA Academy on October 19. The topic is “Recent Trends in Global Technology Valuation 2019”, delivered by Mr. Robert Brackett (Secretary General, IACVS). Around 30 participants join this seminar. This seminar focused on the following four issues: 

    * What is“technology valuation”? 

    * Why do we need to value technology? 

    * How is technology valued? 

    * Who are the issues today?

    During the whole lecture, Bob carefully answered all kinds of questions raised by the participants. At the same time, participants expressed their hope that IACVS would hold more seminars in the future to promote communication and enhance their BV profession skills.

  • 10-10-2019 01:18 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The Business Valuers Association of Malaysia (BVAM) has successfully conducted the sixth ICVS Certification Training Class in Malaysia from September 21-23, 2019. Near 20 candidates from took part in the training course.

    Our distinguished certified trainer, Sr Elvin Fernandez who is also the President of BVAM, taught the business valuation theories and methodologies, and answered many questions from candidates. The class participants responded enthusiastically to his depth of knowledge and approachability.

    Ms. Jowis Ng, a Member of MIA and ACCA and who also has 10 years of corporate finance experience, shared many examples and case studies from an experienced practitioner’s perspective.

    Christine Ng, Intellectual Property Specialist with over 20 years of experience in the field of Intellectual Property Strategy and Technology Assessment and Evaluation, met with candidates and imparted her personal experience and real life cases while teaching the topic on Best Practice for Intangibles valuation class.

    All participants were encouraged to utilize the IACVS world-wide network to develop their practices through participating in local and global events.

    On October 5, twenty attendees sit for the ICVS multiple choice exam. The exam is proctored by Ms. Lisa Guo from IACVS headquarters and Mr. Zamri from INSPEN. 

  • 02-09-2019 01:17 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    Applied for 10 CPD Hours from the Board of Valuers and 10 CPE hours from IACVS

    It's a great pleasure to announce that Business Valuers Association Malaysia (BVAM) will organise a Certified Business Valuation Course. BVAM is a charter member of The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS). The training course will be held on 21 - 23 September 2019 at National Institute of Valuation (INSPEN), Kajang Selangor, Malaysia. Thex ICVS credentialed exam will be on Oct. 5 (Saturday) at INSPEN.

    The training program is directed to all valuers and real estate industry player who want to explore and enhance their competencies in Business Valuation profession. 

    Objective of this course:

    At the end of the programme, participants will be able to: 

    •    Acquire knowledge on Business Valuation and its components

    •    Gain exposure on valuation approaches and techniques

    •    Apply knowledge & skill on Business Valuation

    Send your enquiry to:

    •       Sr Mohd Zamri bin Awang at

    •       Thila Ganesan at

    •       Nor Juliana bi Majuki at

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