To apply the IACVS observer membership, please complete the IACVS Observer Membership Application Form and send it back to info1@iacvs.org. We will handle your inquiry once we receive it.
Currently, IACVS has 5 observer members, they are C&K Management Ltd., Business Valuation Resources (BVR), iiBV (International Institute of Business Valuers), Beijing Xinliu Huigu Technology Co., Ltd and Beijing Zhonghe NetHub Technology Co., Ltd.
Since its inception in 2000, C&K Management Limited has been dedicated to providing innovative solutions for academic and workplace learning around the world.
“The ability to learn faster than your competitor may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.” - Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline"
Rapidly changing global issues are affecting the way we do business. For your organization to remain successful in a fiercely competitive environment, it is essential for your employees to keep learning and developing new and more advanced capabilities. C&K’s training and development programs help some of the world’s largest businesses keep their talent at the cutting edge.
C&K’s solutions have proven their effectiveness for more than 500,000 learners from the Corporate World, Educational Institutions, Professional Bodies, and Government Departments.
With over a decade of experience in learning and development across target segments and countries, we have a very good idea of how people learn. We understand the underlying motivation factors; we are creative and tech savvy. We leverage multiple media, including in the classroom wherever appropriate. We blend synchronous & asynchronous modes, online & offline media to build capabilities and to provide ongoing performance support, to make your programs and initiatives succeed. Today, we offer services in the areas of:
E-Learning Content | Instructor Led Training Content |
Training Delivery – Online and Offline | Training Delivery – Online and Offline |
Off-the-Shelf Courses | Learning Technologies (LMS, Learning Portals, Social Tools) |
Talent Management Software | Facilitating Organizational Change |
Measuring and Evaluating | Knowledge Process Outsourcing |
Content for Web, Newspaper and Print Media |
Business Valuation Resources (BVR)
BVR has been at the center of the young business valuation profession since nearly the beginning, and we are proud to provide the resources, community, and thought leadership required to meet increasingly rigorous regulatory, legal, audit, and client demands. Today, every informed stakeholder in business valuation, performance benchmarking, or risk assessment turns to Business Valuation Resources. Our auditable market data, news and research, and expert opinion are tested daily in tens of thousands of private company valuation reports—whether required by the SEC, IRS, international regulation, or the rigors of litigation or audit review.
Because BVR products are based on the world’s most comprehensive repository of data and wisdom concerning the value of private companies, we help valuation professionals prepare unassailable assessments so they can rest easy and feel supremely confident in their conclusions.
We have helped train many of the current generation of business valuation experts around the globe. Financial experts, whether from the Big 4 or small local appraisal firms, brand-name private capital market firms, or leading academic finance programs, have participated in our best-in-class training programs since 2002. Through expert education and standards, BVR and our clients have contributed to business success worldwide by creating agreement around "fair market value" to guide business strategy, reduce conflict, and provide objective, trustworthy, value conclusions.
BVR’s flagship product, DealStats (formerly Pratt’s Stats), is the largest database of complete, auditable private and public company financial statements and deal terms in the world. Our data and methodologies are also the basis for countless partnership agreements, buy-out terms, fairness opinion, and other business agreements where interested parties must come to terms on the value of privately-owned business assets.
Who now relies on BVR to support and defend their valuation conclusions and strategic decisions? Business appraisers, of course. But, in every major economic center, we also serve:
Global regulators | Global regulators | Tax authorities |
M&A advisors | Corporate CFOs | Chief compliance officers |
Venture capitalists | Investment bankers | Business brokers and intermediaries |
Lawyers and judges | Business owners | Professors |
Public accountants | Private equity professionals |
International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV)
Purpose and Mission of the International Institute of Business Valuers
The iiBV, together with its member assications, leads the business valuation profession globally by providing educational opportunities, promoting consistent professional ethics and standards, facilitating the exchange of information and ideas, and encouraging international co-operation and communication. The iiBV is an organization that:
1. All prominent professional business valuation associations aspire to be a part of; 2. Unifies existing associations and disparate groups with an interest in business valuation; 3. Leads the profession’s thinking in the areas of ethics, integrity and excellence in practice; 4. Facilitates the exchange of knowledge amongst member associations through educational materials and courses, conferences and publications; 5. Offers education to those who want to join the profession and continuing education to existing professionals; and 6. Increases the pre-eminence of the business valuation profession globally.
Beijing Xinliu Huigu Technology Co. Ltd
Beijing Xinliu Huigu Technology Co., Ltd was founded in December 2016 in Beijing, China. It is the subsidiary of Shanghai Xinliu Culture and Communications Co., Ltd. Xinliu Huigu’s office is located in the 21st Century Tower on the third ring road, in the north-eastern part of Beijing.
The company has been developing an online valuation platform www.flcccc.com, which can generate one-click valuation reports for non-listed companies. The system went online on June 30th this year. The company’s current focus is developing the website into a financial platform, where can investors can find the right investment target in a pool of financiers in our database. The company also offers other consulting and financial services, including writing due diligence reports, assisting in deal negotiations, M&A route design.
Beijing Zhonghe NetHub Technology Co., Ltd.
It is known to all that more and more Chinese enterprises have invested directly or merged and acquired equity in foreign areas. At the same time, China has always been a main destination of foreign direct investment in recent decades. Foreign professionals hired by foreign firms who have invested in China may need local support.
"Financial Professionals Resources (FPR)" is an online personnel promotion platform designed and developed by Beijing Zhonghe Nethui Technology Co., Ltd. which focuses on assets valuation, accounting and audit, engineering cost audit, legal services. Its aim is to build connection between service providers, clients, professionals and students.
As an online platform developed for mobile devices, FPR provides services including demand and supply information search, personnel recommendation, consulting, etc.
Chinese Association of Business and Intangible Assets Valuation (CABIAV)
The Chinese Association of Business and Intangible Assets Valuation (CABIAV) is one of the leading training institutions for performing valuation in Taipei. The Association was established in 2003 with an aim to promote the development of the theory and practice of business and intangible asset valuation, and integrate with international valuation practices.
CABIAV has actively participated in and led the development of valuation standards in Taipei. With the transition toward a more knowledge and service-based industry structure, the Association has trained and certified 586 business valuators and 38 intangible asset valuators as of January, 2022. Our members consist of a broad spectrum of professionals, academicians, government agencies, students and more. The Association consistently provides advanced courses to facilitate understanding of the current state of the art of valuation and its application to different domain fields.
As stated in its Constitution, CABIAV aims to: facilitate intangible assets financing; explore the evolving theory and best practices in the discipline of valuation; assist the development of valuation standards; hold professional training sessions and advanced courses; provide professional certifications of business and intangible asset valuators; and cooperate with relevant organizations around the world. To accomplish these objectives, the Association works progressively with the regulatory and the business communities to promote and enhance the valuation profession in Taipei.IACVS Observer Membership Application Form