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   The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists

  • 25-07-2019 20:23 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    IACVS, Utkrusta Advisors LLP & Khong & Jaafar Sdn Bhd will jointly host a one day Masterclass on "An Insight Into Business Valuation" at The Indian Affair, Bangalore on July 25, 2019.  The Keynote speakers are Mr. Willian Hanlin, Mr. Elvin Fernendez, Mr. Shivadutt Bannanje and Mr. Rajiv Singh, along with other invited speakers. 

    Below is the highlights of the course-

    * Deeper insight into Business Valuation

    * What investors look for in a distressed asset

    * Valuation  perspective for distressed asset - Indian Scenario

    * Impact on intangible value in distressed asset

    * Situation Specific value as well

    * Levels of value

    * And much more...

    Here is the Course Flyer and Registration Form, please contact or Jyothi Mariae (+91 99860 33676) for more information.

  • 18-07-2019 20:24 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    Mr. William Hanlin, President &CEO of IACVS, visited the Value Management & Options Corporation located in Manila and also met with its general manager - Ms. Charito Cole-Alfaro on July 15, 2019.  Ms. Charito talked to Hanlin about the main business and development of the company. She also introduces the theory of intangible assets appraisal in the Philippines, the development and change of the practice state, the status of appraisal practitioners, the target customers and how to use the appraisal report.  They discussed potential cooperation. 

    Hanlin also visited Ms. Marife Yee, the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a friendly and in-depth exchange of views. Ms. Marife is responsible for approving share offerings and Asset-to-Equity conversions. Marife introduced the practice of intangible assets evaluation in the Philippines, Hanlin introduced the research of IACVS on intangible assets evaluation theory and practice. They also discussed the direction of further understanding and cooperation.

    IACVS plans to host events in the Philippines in October 2019.

  • 28-06-2019 20:22 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    A Major International Event for the Professional Valuation Community

    The ICVPME will host its 11th International Conference at CORDIS Hotel Auckland, New Zealand on 9th - 11th September, 2019.  This conference is sponsored by IVSC, RICS, ASA, CAS, API, TAQEEM, IIBV, IACVS and CICBV and other groups. The conference topics address most important and challenging professional issues. From valuation regulation and standards to valuation education, and valuation in the international context. The attendees have a unique opportunity to discuss the changing valuation regulation and standards and learn about various valuation cases covering all disciplines and asset types. The agenda includes professional roundtable discussions, multi-discipline workshops, and training opportunities. 

    Conference speakers are renowned world leaders in their valuation disciplines, representing major international and national valuation organizations and leading companies from all continents.

    By attending the conference, you will able to earn CPD credits for business valuation and PME disciplines. You will meet with and talk to fellow valuers from other countries and learn what is current and topical in the profession, the start-of-the-art valuation techniques and data sources they use.

    Mr. Bob Brackett, the secretary-general of IACVS, will attend and present a paper entitled “Acceleration in the development of the valuation profession” during the conference. We warmly welcome our members and contacts participate and gain the latest valuation information from this event.

    Conference website:            

    Contact email:

    About more information please click here to download the Conference Brochure.

  • 14-06-2019 20:55 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    IACVS Malaysia Charter - The Business Valuation Association of Malaysia (BVAM) hosted the conference on valuation of Intangible Assets at the Hilton Petaling Jaya on October 15, 2019. This conference was supported by the Valuation and Property Services of Malaysia (JPPH). Mr. William Hanlin, CEO & President of IACVS, attended the conference and delivered a speech.

    Mr. Hanlin pointed out the shifting and accelerating trend of businesses and companies being driven and valued for their intangible capital such as intellectual property and other intangible assets have not slowed down. In fact, numerous market studies have shown that businesses are increasingly more savvy about these invisible assets in the knowledge economy where intangible rules. This conference was timely to address the various opportunities and challenges proffered by this shifting tide, to c-suite executives, entrepreneurs and service providers on the current best practices of valuing business and its intangibles, challenges and new insights with the rise of increased sophistication of companies in monetizing their IP rights. Tangible assets such as cash, stocks, machineries or office buildings are no longer the main criteria for assessing market value, but intangible assets such as intellectual property occupy a central position. A key reason for ensuring the valuation of intangible assets is that in the event of intellectual property infringement and disputes, economic losses can be valued to facilitate claims.

    Mr. Elvin Fernandez pointed out: “With more appraisers who can conduct professional and accurate assessments of intangible assets, we hope to stimulate the growth of intangible assets as recognized assets in domestic financial markets.” He added: “The valuation is a general profession, and the basic concept of valuation cannot be changed. The concept of valuation is used as a defined accounting term that applies to any tangible or intangible asset.” He made a comparison between real estate valuation and business valuation. According to him, the board of valuers, appraisers, real estate agents and property managers committee are revising and upgrading the Malaysian Valuation Standards and this will include a separate section referred to as Guidelines on Business Valuation which will include an intangible asset valuation.

    Ms. Christine Ng explained that the government recognized IA and IP as critical elements in the growth of SMEs as early as 2010. She said that over the years, there are in place various types of funds by government-based agencies to enable companies to monetize their IP. Apart from obtaining loans, intangibles play a crucial role when a smaller tech-based company or SME has an acquisition or joint venture opportunity on the cards. Therefore, when valuing such a merger, valuation of the intangibles plays a crucial role in ensuring that the SME gets a fair value for its IP. She pointed out that IPs are a large part of a company's value in more developed economies. If a SME is rendered bankrupt, its registered IP, be it a trademark, brand or patent, can be carved out and sold to an interested buyer, usually a competitor. She cited the example of Kodak. In 2012 Eastman Kodak sold its digital imaging patents to a consortium of bidders, which included Google and Apple, for US$525 mil after filing for Chapter 11 protection earlier that year.

    Mr. Ang Kok Heng revealed that many SMEs have not approached the banks to apply for loans as many of them have yet to register their IPs. While lauding the government's move to recognize the importance of IPs and its role in improving SME liquidity, Ang believed initiatives still need to be focused on providing education, awareness and financing to register an IP. Ang called on government bodies and relevant agencies to conduct roadshows and talks on the importance of registering IPs. He also hopes there will be more funding opportunities, with grants being made more easily available for SMEs to register their IPS.

    At present, the lack of registered IPs means the SMEs operators are not able to obtain funding using their IP as collateral. Similarly, in the event of infringements, when an IP is not registered, the SME is not able to take the culprit to court as the IP is not registered and therefore not subject to legal backing.A registered IP has inherent rights and laws that govern it. Said by FocusM V. Sanjugtha

    Participants said that by participating in this conference, they have gained a deeper understanding of intellectual property and intangible assets valuation. They hope that BVAM and IACVS Headquarters will be able to hold more lectures and conferences to facilitate communication and learning in future.

    The growing importance of intangible assets in the 21st century and the proliferation of financial fraud on a global scale are increasingly being valued. IACVS's mission is to disseminate professional theories and standards in the field of business valuation and anti-fraud, providing professionals with the best practical mode of operation. In the field of business valuation, IACVS promotes the normative application of assessment principles, methods and models around the world. In the field of anti-fraud and court litigation support, IACVS develops and disseminates operating systems and technologies for reconnaissance and anti-fraud. For more information please contact

  • 27-05-2019 20:20 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The beautiful and historic city of Dubrovnik provided the backdrop for an eventful TEGoVA European Valuation Conference and General Assembly hosted by the Croatian Association of Court Expert Witnesses and Valuers (HDSVIP). The General Assembly was attended by 90 delegates representing 45 valuer associations from 24 of the 37 member countries. Additional attendees included 12 board members of the International Institute of Business Valuation (iiBV), including the current and incoming Chairs of the iiBV Board of Directors, Edwina Tam and Anton Lezhja respectively. 

    Also speaking and participating was the Secretary General of the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS), Bob Brackett from the USA.

    After numerous board meetings of the many attending associations on Wednesday (16 May) TEGoVA hosted a full day of valuation training (titled The Role of the Expert Witness in the Valuation of Real Estate and Businesses) taught by individuals from the many attending associations. 

    On Saturday (18 May) the General Assembly met and deliberated on a number of current valuation issues including an easier to translate definition of market value, a new definition of highest and best use/hope value, insurable value, the use of automated valuation models and data protection (GDPR). One of the most noteable presentations was the topic of implementing the current EU requirements on data security (GDPR) that has had unanticipated impacts on the valuation (business and tangible asset) community. A number of other presentations were delivered:

    1. Bernhard Bischoff (BVS) - GDPR Guidelines for valuers
    2. Michael MacBrien (TEGoVA Adviser) - Valuation Provisions of Covered Bonds Directive and Mortgage Credit Directive
    3. Ben Bervoets (NCREA) - Dutch Regulation/Guidelines for Use of AVM Based Valuations for Mortgage Loan Initiations
    4. Peter MacLean (President Appraisal Institute of Canada) - Green Valuation - A Canadian Perspective
    5. Danijela Ili? (Chair European Business Valuation Standards Committee) - Progress report on European Business Valuation Standards 2020
    6. Michael Reinberg (Chairman European Valuation Standards Board) - Progress report on European Valuation Standards 2020
    7. Philippe Guillerm (Chairman European Valuation Practice and Methodology Board - Update on Methodology Chapter for EVS 2020
    The Autumn Meeting of TEGoVA will be hosted by the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria (CIAB) in Sofia on 10-12 October 2019.
    Additional information on speakers and presentations is available on the TEGoVA website

  • 22-05-2019 20:19 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    We’re pleased to announce the establishment of the Association of Asian Chartered Certified Valuation Specialists – AACVS was established in March 2019. The AACVS is the IACVS Chapter for Singapore and Cambodia.  IACVS is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the education and excellence of the global business valuation profession.  Chapters and Charters are the local representatives of IACVS and look for ways to strengthen relationships with local CPA Societies, universities, property appraisers and professional associations.  This is to enhance, improve and expand IACVS’s public relations efforts to build ICVS awareness which can include: administering advertising campaigns, identifying contacts that can help build IACVS’s chapter and international prominence. IACVS confers to successful candidates the ICVS – International Certified Valuation Specialist credential.

    Both A/Prof. Wilson Lim and A/Prof. Don Prasad are the chapter leaders of AACVS, they have been involved with business valuation for many years and see the need for valuation professionals to be represented in the IACVS global association/network. Professionals from Republic of Singapore and the Kingdom of Cambodia can contact them directly on IACVS and ICVS credential. 

  • 24-04-2019 20:13 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The Business Valuers Association of Malaysia (BVAM) - the IACVS Malaysia Charter has successfully conducted the fifth ICVS Certification Training Class in Malaysia from April 6 to 8, 2019. Forty candidates from Malaysia participated in the course.

    Sr Elvin Fernandez, the President of BVAM, taught the business valuation theories and methodologies, and answered many questions from candidates. Ms Jowis Ng has 10 years of corporate finance experience, shared many examples and case studies from an experienced practitioner’s perspective. Dato’ Sr Lau Wai Seang met with candidates and imparted her personal experience and real life cases while teaching the topic on Best Practice for Intangibles valuation class. 

    All participants were encouraged to utilize the IACVS world-wide network to develop their practices through participating in local and global events.

    On April 20, twenty-eight attendees sit for the ICVS multiple choice paper exam at INSPEN. The exam was proctored by Ms. Lisa Guo from IACVS headquarters and Mr. Sr Mohd Zamri bin Awang from INSPEN.  Another 6 attendees sit for the online -based exam at a university in India, the exam was proctored by Ms. Jowis. She also gave the IACVS member certificate to these India candidates.

    BVAM also hosted its annual general meeting on April 19 at hotel Hilton, Petaling Jaya. Mr. William Hanlin recorded a greeting to BVAM's AGM and wish the meeting ended with success. Around 40 participants joined such events.

    We are looking forward to the next training which will most likely be in September 2019.

  • 18-03-2019 20:11 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The Role of the Expert Witness in the Valuation of Property and Businesses

    Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel 

    The spring meeting of TEGOVA - European Valuation Conference will be hosted at Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel on Friday 17 May 2018. Mr. Bob Brackett, the secretary general of IACVS, will attend and delivery a speech named "The Journey from Real Estate to Business Valuation".  Below is more information about this conference:

    Conference Agenda:

    Meeting Registration Fees:

    The registration fee of € 580,00 includes entry to: 

    - the Valuation Conference on 17 May, tea/coffee breaks and lunch 

    - the Formal Dinner on 17 May 

    - the General Assembly on 18 May, tea/coffee breaks and lunch 

    The extra costs for delegate partners’ formal dinner, partners' programme and informal dinner are indicated in the registration form.

    Submit your meeting registration at Please register by April 30, 2019 at the latest.

    Hotel Reservation:

    Submit your hotel registration at

    For more information about the meeting, pleaselview the conference brochure or contact Secretariat: mr. Igor Kaluder dipl.oec., Secretary CACEW  Tel: +385 99 2588 849 E-mail: 

  • 21-01-2019 20:10 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The Internatilnal Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV) has realeased four onine courses, which are

    *International Cost of Capital - iiBV 210

    *Valuing Early Stage Companies - iiBV 211

    *Valuing Minority Interests - iiBV 212

    *Valuing Intangible Assest - iiBV 213

    A single course costs $299 and a four - course package costs $999. Candidates can selects the material at his own discretion, please see more details at

  • 12-12-2018 20:07 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

    The 8th International Conference on New Development of Appraisal was held in Wuhan On December 8, 2018.  The forum was hosted by the School of Business Administration (MBA Education Center) at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei Province, with the supporting of CAS (China Appraisal Society), ASA (American Society of Appraisal), IACVS (International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists), Asset Appraisal Research Center of Xia Men University and the Capital University of Economics and Finance. The theme of the conference is “Appraisal in the Age of AI: Inheritance and Innovation”. More than 120 participants from China, the United States, Russia, Germany, Japan, Singapore and other countries attended the conference.

    At the opening ceremony of the forum, Mr. Zou Bingguo, Assistant to the President of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, reviewed the development of the asset assessment profession in Zhongnan Finance and Economics Law, affirmed the academic research value of the forum and promoted the valuation industry in China.   Mr. Wang Chengjun and Mr. Liu Dengqing delivered the opening speeches respectively.

    At the keynote speech reporting session, Dr. Karl Sheeler from the United States, Mr. Alexander Lopatnikov from Russia, Sano Yosuke from Japan, Zhang Guochun, Secretary General of the China Appraisal Society, and Cai Hengjin (Artificial Intelligence Expert) from Wuhan University gave a wonderful speech and pushed the forum into a rigorous academic exchange climax.

    Mr. William Hanlin, president of IACVS, delivered a speech entitled “Valuation in the Midst of Valuation”. Mr. Hanlin introduced the definition and extension of artificial intelligence in the world, reviewed the development history and current situation of intelligence to artificial intelligence, and expected the deep development of intelligence may bring challenges to the valuation industry. Besides, Mr. Hanlin pointed out current smart applications such as the AVM - AVM has some impacts on the real estate appraisal projects, but it is difficult to participate in other asset appraisals, risk-based judgments and analysis, and believe it needs time to approve the real artificial intelligence will have influence to the society and industry. Hanlin’s speech was warmly affirmed by the participants, and the opinions of the report were also recognized by the other speakers.

    The sub-session of the conference is focus on “The Status and Inheritance of Assets Valuation” and “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Asset Valuation”. 14 professors from University, research Center and Valuation Institute gave wonderful speeches on topics such as assessment methods, innovation and internet company valuation, credit valuation, valuation applications for deep learning neural networks, and valuation applications for big data and digital.  In the afternoon's theme report, Mr. Liu Dengqing introduced the impact of changes in the supervision of the capital market. Professor Wang Haisu proposed and introduced the research on the intrinsic value of enterprises.

    The discussion session focused on the development of artificial intelligence and asset appraisal industry. 5 professors gave their views from different perspective and put forward some ideas for the development of the industry.

    At the end of the conference, the guests presented the award certificate to the author of the excellent conference paper, and the meeting ended with warm applause. 

    IACVS congratulated this conference was successfully held in Wuhan. 

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