The beautiful and historic city of Dubrovnik provided the backdrop for an eventful TEGoVA European Valuation Conference and General Assembly hosted by the Croatian Association of Court Expert Witnesses and Valuers (HDSVIP). The General Assembly was attended by 90 delegates representing 45 valuer associations from 24 of the 37 member countries. Additional attendees included 12 board members of the International Institute of Business Valuation (iiBV), including the current and incoming Chairs of the iiBV Board of Directors, Edwina Tam and Anton Lezhja respectively.
Also speaking and participating was the Secretary General of the International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists (IACVS), Bob Brackett from the USA.
After numerous board meetings of the many attending associations on Wednesday (16 May) TEGoVA hosted a full day of valuation training (titled The Role of the Expert Witness in the Valuation of Real Estate and Businesses) taught by individuals from the many attending associations.
On Saturday (18 May) the General Assembly met and deliberated on a number of current valuation issues including an easier to translate definition of market value, a new definition of highest and best use/hope value, insurable value, the use of automated valuation models and data protection (GDPR). One of the most noteable presentations was the topic of implementing the current EU requirements on data security (GDPR) that has had unanticipated impacts on the valuation (business and tangible asset) community. A number of other presentations were delivered:
1. Bernhard Bischoff (BVS) - GDPR Guidelines for valuers
2. Michael MacBrien (TEGoVA Adviser) - Valuation Provisions of Covered Bonds Directive and Mortgage Credit Directive
3. Ben Bervoets (NCREA) - Dutch Regulation/Guidelines for Use of AVM Based Valuations for Mortgage Loan Initiations
4. Peter MacLean (President Appraisal Institute of Canada) - Green Valuation - A Canadian Perspective
5. Danijela Ili? (Chair European Business Valuation Standards Committee) - Progress report on European Business Valuation Standards 2020
6. Michael Reinberg (Chairman European Valuation Standards Board) - Progress report on European Valuation Standards 2020
7. Philippe Guillerm (Chairman European Valuation Practice and Methodology Board - Update on Methodology Chapter for EVS 2020
The Autumn Meeting of TEGoVA will be hosted by the Chamber of Independent Appraisers in Bulgaria (CIAB) in Sofia on 10-12 October 2019.
Additional information on speakers and presentations is available on the TEGoVA website